Claudia & Winnie Roelofs
"After more or less all of the trees in our nursery were lost in the winter of 2011/’12 due to winter frost, we had to make large numbers of bench grafts to be able to plant in the spring of 2012. The grafting tools we had previously tried were unsuitable, because we were unable to cut the grafts and rootstocks cleanly using them. Moreover, the cutting flattened the grafts, which damaged the cambium”, explains Claudia Roelofs. “I ended up on Ian Adams’ website via Google and we bought a couple of his grafting tools.” The Scionon grafting tools lived up to the high expectations. “A great advantage for us is that anyone can make perfect grafts after a couple of hours using the Scionon grafting tools. In the past when we made bench grafts the traditional way, we had to employ a limited group of specialists.” Another great advantage is that rootstocks thicker than 12 mm can also be handled using these grafting tools. Cutting large numbers of rootstocks of this size by hand is practically impossible. ”Therefore, in the past, we used to throw away these thick rootstocks. Now we use them as the rootstock for varieties that have diffculty branching, including Bramley’s Seedling”, adds Winnie Roelofs.
Boomkwekerij,, 't Fort W Roelofs B.V.